Stonehouse Catering offers tastings for two reasons:
1) Gain confidence in our chef's abilities in flavor composition, seasoning and presentation.
2) Taste our specialties so you can make the best decision possible when moving forward with your wedding menu decision.
What to Expect
Our wedding tastings consist of a salad, two to three main course options, a side and our Stonehouse Veggie Blend. For your main courses, please choose from beef, chicken, fish and plant based.
If there is something specifically important for you to try at your tasting, please let us know so we can make sure to incorporate it into your tasting menu.
We do not charge for your first tasting. We make your tasting appointment in good faith that you are seriously considering booking our company for your wedding. Tastings cost our company approximately $400 in chef and staff time, planning and ingredients. Please understand that if you cancel your tasting appointment in less than 48 hours or arrive more than 10 minutes late, you may not be able to reschedule and may receive a bill for our time and ingredients. Our chef prepares your meal to be its freshest at your exact appointment time, so please arrive 5 minutes early to ensure the best experience.
Other Notes
We do not provide second tastings unless you have a signed contract and deposit made. The cost for a second tasting will be a minimum of $300 plus ingredients. If dessert tastings are requested for specific items not already prepared, you can expect to pay additional fees. We understand your desire for a tasting, we just ask that you consider the cost to our company that will be passed on to you.
Executive Chef Adam Johnson, was a chef at Kincaid's, St Paul for 8 years and Mancini's for years following. We are so confident he will make you the best steak you've ever had, should you order it for your wedding guests, that we do not offer steak or tenderloin during your tasting. Most people have tried steak before and tastings are designed to try some of our signature dishes.
Tastings provided for up to 4 people